link to play
role: level designer, Game designer, enemies and interactable objects programmer
genre: Plataform
Engine: unity
Code language: C#
- interactive objects; 
- enemies a.i.
level design:
- level tutorial; 
- level 3 and 5.
- water; 
- fire dissolve.
interactive objects
all the objects inherit from the parent class 'interactive object', there are two types: obstacle and trigger object. the obstacle type reacts to the player and the enviromment, while the trigger, activate events that can change the game, level layout or other objects.
- Wall obstacle;
- mushroom;
- burning floor.
trigger object:
- torch;
- finish line.
- voador: stays afloat;
- patrulheiro: move left-right;
- estático:  attacks the player.
- water;
- fire dissolve.

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